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Mental Wellbeing

Mental wellbeing at Milton Mount


At Milton Mount we aim to provide positive mental wellbeing for our whole school community; children, staff, parents and carers. We strive for our school to be a comfortable, happy and healthy environment where children can learn skills to help them express their emotional state in a positive, effective way.

We recognise that good mental wellbeing is as important as physical wellbeing and that a child ‘s overall wellbeing can affect their learning and achievement in school.

The Department for Education (DfE) recognises that ‘in order to help their children succeed; schools have a role to play in supporting them to be resilient and mentally healthy’.

We use our PSHE/relationship curriculum to support our children to develop an awareness of mental health, sex and relationships and physical wellbeing.

What is mental wellbeing?

Mental health is an integral and essential component of health. The WHO constitution states: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” An important implication of this definition is that mental health is more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.

Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

Mental health is fundamental to our collective and individual ability as humans to think, emote, interact with each other, earn a living and enjoy life. On this basis, the promotion, protection and restoration of mental health can be regarded as a vital concern of individuals, communities and societies throughout the world.

World Health Organisation


  • To provide a safe and welcoming environment so that children, parent/carers and staff can develop a sense of belonging.
  • To see all forms of behaviour as a form of communication.
  • To build resilience.
  • To support children in realising their own potential.
  • To provide an environment that supports the minimisation of the effects of stress and heightened anxiety.


  • Designated Mental Health Lead: Gemma Barton
  • Thrive Practitioner: Modupe Odiyeinde
  • Nurture Teaching Assistant: Allison Weller
  • Designated Safeguarding Leads: Lee O’Mahony, Tom Little, James Scutt, Charlotte Hingston
  • Staff Wellbeing Team: Christiane Williams, Libby Laughton, Libby Rowe-Swaine
  • Emotionally Available Adults: All Staff



  • Staff are trained to be emotionally available adults to all children.
  • Wellbeing plans created to support the emotional needs of individual children, as appropriate. These include how adults working with children can protect, relate, regulate and reflect.
  • Therapeutic behaviour plans created for individual children, as appropriate, to support the management of behaviour as a result of stress or anxiety. This includes pro social behaviours observed and de-escalation techniques.
  • Zones of Regulation in place in all classrooms to support and teach the need for identification of and regulation of emotions.
  • Toolkits in place for individual children, as appropriate, to address dysregulation.
  • Robust PSHE scheme of work in place to develop and address current challenges for children and support their emotional wellbeing.
  • Sensory movement breaks in place for individual children, as appropriate, to help with regulation throughout the school day.
  • Forest schools available for all children within the school community.
  • Sand trays available in all classrooms for emotional regulation and wellbeing.
  • Thrive nurture room for all children, as appropriate.
  • Team of Designated Safeguarding Leads.
  • Thrive Practitioner.


Young people’s mental health:


  • Contact with the Mental Health Leads for signposting.
  • Parent/carer forums monthly.
  • Governor with responsibility for Mental Wellbeing- Duncan Morley


Adult mental health


  • Designated Wellbeing Team.
  • Mental Health Leads in school.
  • Staff wellbeing questionnaire.
  • Reduced marking policy.
  • Professional development opportunities.
  • Staff meetings and additional work meetings via video conference, as appropriate.
  • Wellbeing days.
  • No work emails between 6pm and 8am.
  • Access to SAS for wellbeing support.
  • Supervision for Designated Safeguarding Leads.
  • Supervision for staff, as appropriate.
  • Scheduled social activities for staff.