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Religion and worldviews


At Milton Mount we think that it is of great importance that Religion and Worldviews should be relevant, exciting, and meaningful. We have a multicultural and diverse school community that we wish to represent, giving the children knowledge and understanding to help promote tolerance and understanding.

Do More

At Milton Mount, the journey through RE starts in Early Years. Through the Understanding the World strand of the Early Years Foundation Stage and goes up through to Year 6, following the West Sussex agreed syllabus from SACRE and using the KAPOW scheme of learning. Our aim is to plan and teach lessons that are enjoyable, informative, child centred and relevant for all our children.

Know More

We have adapted our long-term plan to ensure that the journey of Religion and Worldviews starts in Early Years and goes right through up to Year 6.  The learning is systematically built upon year by year, focusing on a range of different world religions ensuring a complete coverage and progression throughout the school with no repetition.

Remember More

Each Religion and Worldview strand has a key question which is asked at the beginning and then at the end of the block of learning to show how the children’s learning has progressed.

‘Sticky Starter’ questions are used at the beginning of each lesson which enables the children to reflect on their previous knowledge. Opportunities are given for the children to reflect on their previous learning of other religions to make comparisons or similarities.

Experience More

Opportunities are given for discussion, drama, debate, and practical work. Where possible, we aim for real life experiences to be given to the children using artefacts, using media or by having visitors of different faiths coming in to speak with the children.

Time is taken to talk about and celebrate important religious festivals for the main world religions across the school both in classes and in collective worship time.

Consider More

Through our curriculum, we aim for the children to become tolerant, understanding, and inquisitive learners who can talk about, compare and ask questions about their views. 



Every year group will focus on different world religions throughout the topics over the year. For each topic there will be an overarching question which teachers will refer to and for each week.  Each topic will be broken down into individual lessons which will consist of discussion, media, drama, practical tasks, and some written work.  Lessons require children to think deeply to answer the questions by applying the skills, knowledge and vocabulary that has been taught.  A combination of visitors and a focus on first hand experiences, discussion and practical activities will ensure exciting and memorable learning experiences with chatty, active, and engaged children.

Religion and Worldviews will be assessed across the school by using Target Tracker.  Teachers will make judgements throughout the teaching of the topics to assess how each child has understood, can talk about the questions, and use the skills acquired.