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The Governors of Milton Mount Primary School passionately believe that it is a very special place that has the opportunity to give our children the very best start in life. Governors have a unique role within the school and the wider community and the Governors of Milton Mount Primary School seek not only to fulfil their statutory responsibilities in offering the highest standard of education but are also committed to encouraging achievement by all members of the school community: pupils, staff and governors alike.

Governors see it as their role to encourage, support and critically challenge in order to raise standards. To ensure this, Governors take on diverse tasks such as frequent Learning Walks and visits during the school day, reading reports, researching possible outcomes as well as challenging staff to achieve the best possible.

Governors see the well-being of all stakeholders as crucial to ensuring a happy and forward-looking school community. Governors join staff, when appropriate, for In-Service Training and engage with pupils and staff on their regular visits to the school. In addition, great importance is put on the engagement of parents and their opinions. Parents, pupils and staff are invited to complete an evolving annual questionnaire. All questionnaires are analysed and all issues addressed. Governors also have a presence during Parents’ Evenings. The Governing Body is continually looking to improve and widen all ways to make sure the needs of all stakeholders are very well met.

Embracing the School Motto, “Learning Together for Life”, Governors are encouraged to consider and improve their own performance through self-assessment and training programmes provided by the school, the Local Authority and other outside agencies. Governors seek to challenge themselves to ensure that meeting agendas ask searching questions that reflect the on-going needs of the school and the current and ever-changing national demands. The Governors value their membership of the National Governors Association. Governors also work to a Governance Improvement Plan, which is revised and renewed annually. We recognise that the work we do, in tandem with the Headteacher and Leadership Team, is rightly demanding if our children are to have the best possible education.

The role of the Governing Body is a strategic one which includes:

  • setting the aims and objectives for the school
  • setting targets for achievement
  • monitoring and evaluating the progress the school is making
  • supporting and challenging the headteacher
  • allocating and controlling the budget

Our role does not include:

  • Daily management of the school. This is the job of the Senior Leadership Team led by Mr Little.
  • Fundraising. FOMM do an excellent job of this!

The Governing Body meets as a whole five times a year. Minutes are available from the School Office.

Most of the work goes on in our committees. We currently have three committees;

  • Finance and Staffing Committee
  • Learning Committe which monitors the quality of teaching and learning
  • Buildings Committee (including Health and Safety)

Our Governors try to be involved in the life of the school as much as possible and aim to visit the school individually at least once a term to monitor various aspects of school life.

Governors run a help desk during parents’ consultation evenings and invite questions from parents for discussion at Governing Body meetings.

If you would like to contact the Governing Body, letters may be left at the school office or emails sent to