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We pride ourselves on creating an ambitious curriculum full of awe and wonder that inspires children to become lifelong learners. We provide a curriculum that follows the EYFS framework and National Curriculum. We have a strong belief that children will achieve this through doing more, knowing more, remembering more, experiencing more and considering more.


The curriculum is structured and sequenced so that all children are actively engaged in first-hand experiences, discoveries and enquiries that work towards purposeful outcomes.


Children acquire a broad knowledge of themselves, the world, its history, religions and cultures and through this develop skills they can use and apply in a range of contexts.



Skills, knowledge and vocabulary are regularly revisited, consolidated and enhanced. Sticky starters and carefully planned learning sequences enable children to make meaningful and long-lasting connections between topics.



Opportunities are carefully planned for learning to be enhanced through real life experiences that take children beyond the boundaries of their own lives and cultures.


We aim for our curriculum to equip children to be thoughtful, reflective and inquisitive decision makers who are able to reason, challenge and discuss their views with confidence.


Our curriculum has been designed to create a balance between the National curriculum statutory requirements and a range of enriching experiences, which broaden our children’s wider learning opportunities.

Our oracy based curriculum enables children to do more through participation in stimulating, engaging and memorable immersion days such as a lost bog baby arriving in our school pond, a tiger who came to tea, travelling back through time to witness the Great Fire of London, exploring military tactics through the battle of Bosworth and feasting with Henry VIII.
These enable children to reflect and think about the new experiences each topic will provide. We use knowledge organisers and learning journey displays to continually revisit key skills, knowledge and vocabulary to ensure children know more.

To further embed this, explicit links are made to prior and wider learning. We strongly believe that children remember more through our use of sticky learning, floor books and end of unit quizzes which ensures children have consistent opportunities to recall previous learning. At Milton Mount, all children are provided with the opportunity to participate in inter-school and/or intra-school sports competitions, achieving Gold Status in the School Games Mark.

The children at our school experience more through a range of community experiences such whole school performances, trips and visitors which further embeds the national curriculum requirements. All children participate in Forest Schools sessions which enables children to apply taught skills to the real-life contexts and develop greater risk taking and problem-solving skills in a safe and natural environment.



Children at Milton Mount consider more through planned speaking and listening opportunities as well as reflections and shared learning. We work in partnership with Voice 21 in order to enable all children to access and benefit from a high-quality oracy education. Central to this is our status as a UNICEF Gold Rights Respecting School Status which underpins everything we do.

Adaptations of the curriculum are made according to each child’s individual special educational need or if they have English as an additional language.


We know that our curriculum at Milton Mount enables children to: ‘Do More, Know More, Remember More, Experience More and Consider More’ ensuring that all children including those with SEND leave Milton Mount prepared for the next stage of education, with core skills embedded. We know that the first-hand experiences we provide aid children’s retention of knowledge enabling them to confidently articulate, question and challenge the world around them.

We are committed to ensuring that all children leave Milton Mount reading at their chronological age (as a minimum). We measure the impact of our curriculum through standardised testing, pupil voice, work scrutiny and comparison of skills across the school to assess whether learning is progressive. Assessment opportunities are used effectively throughout school to provide children with timely ways to move their learning forward and for staff to match their teaching to pupil needs.

We value the opinion of all stakeholders within the school community and regularly report to governors and parents.

Local Authority visits and audits indicate that the school continues to perform at a high level and is effective in identifying and tackling any areas of concern.