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At Milton Mount we think that it is of great importance that RE should be relevant, exciting and meaningful. We have adapted our long-term plan to ensure that the journey of Religious Education starts in early years and goes right through up to year 6. In RE the learning is systematically built upon year by year with Christianity being a focus in each year group as well as one other major world religion. This ensures a complete coverage and progression throughout the school with no repetition.

To make it more meaningful and relevant for our pupils, there is much more of a focus on drama, discussion, debate and practical work. There is less work done in books but important pieces of work that the pupils have completed will go into topic books/folders to show their learning. Our aim is to plan and teach lessons that are enjoyable, informative, child centered and relevant for all of our children.


Every year group will be learning about a different world Religion. They will begin each topic with a ‘sticky starter’ question to recap what they have previously learnt. For each topic there will be an overarching question which teachers will constantly refer back to and for each week a series of smaller questions with links made to other subjects where appropriate. Each topic will be broken down into individual lessons which will consist of discussion, drama, practical tasks and some written work. Lessons require children to think deeply in order to answer the questions by applying the skills, knowledge and vocabulary that has been taught. A combination of visitors, trips and a focus on first hand experiences, discussion and practical activities will ensure exciting and memorable learning experiences with chatty, active and engaged children.

RE will be assessed across the school by using Target Tracker. Teachers will make judgement throughout the teaching of the topics to assess how each child has understood, can talk about the questions and use the skills acquired.